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Project Management | An online course  (2021)  
The positive matters on the study unit:
The possibility for independent studying, amount of tasks"
"Because of the weekly tasks and assignments, we always had to be on time and up to date"

The matters to be developed:
Maybe lectures in presence would be nice"

"I think for an online course this is more than perfect"

Me: "Students, thanks a lot for the feedback - I will keep on improving the course" 



"Visioner utan åtgärder är bara drömmar.
Åtgärder utan visioner är bara tidsfördriv.
Visioner i kombination med åtgärder kan förändra världen."

Joel Baker


"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.

Peter F. Drucker


"Any fool can know. The point is to understand"

Albert Einstein

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."

Henry Ford


9/2022 | Retired from VAMK. but still active as a part-time lecturer and thesis supervisor (VAMK UAS) 

4/2023 | Founded the company KA Support, which provide IT-services, content production, and project services  (Oy KA Support Ab)

1/2023 | Member of the organizing committee and finance manager for the project "Kalevan kisat Vaasa 2024". (Vasa Idrottssällskap)

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